Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kelly's Reflections

Finally being back is a little unreal, mostly because the exhaustion has caught up with me. I've not got everything unpacked quite yet, but I still feel like I should be going somewhere new. Sadly enough, that's not my reality as my last semester of college starts tomorrow morning. However, I wanted to take the time to reflect a little and share my personal thoughts with any of the people still reading this blog. I prefer lists, mainly to keep things organized.

1. I feel like I left my heart in San Francisco. Thank you Frank Sinatra. It was the most beautiful city in this country that I've been to. It was actually hard to find things I didn't like about it--other than the east bay with Oakland and Berkeley, but that's technically not San Francisco.

2. I'm seeking intelligent people to help me make lots of money so I can move to Carmel.

If you have interest in living in front of a natural grotto in a cottage like this, please join my team: Operation Carmel. 
3. Las Vegas was...Vegas. I can't say that I loved it, but I can't say that I hated it and I was completely content with the amount of time we spent there. Driving down the strip with all of the lights blasting Chamillionare isn't something I'm going to forget any time soon.

4. Denver was my favorite stop outside of California. I want to go back soon.

5. I couldn't of picked 3 better people to share this journey with. I love all of you.

I'm sure there will be deep feelings of nostalgia from all of us as time moves forward, but having this blog is going to be a fun way of remembering details. Thank you to all of the family and friends who kept up with us this way. Also, I'd like to thank Dorothy, Lisa, Dave, Barbara, Eric's entire extended family, Lael, Ben, Isabelle, and Beck for opening up your homes to us during our journey. 

Signing off for the last time!

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