Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So Much Weather

Today was relatively uneventful. We passed on the waffles at our hotel this morning and found a bakery to grab a bite at before we hit the road for Nashville, Tennessee. The drive was about 8 hours, and we passed through the remainder of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and finally in to Tennessee.

The only real problem we encountered through the day was 7 hour rain storm. It was on and off sheets of rain and high wind for most of the day. Other than the small storm we hit driving in to New Orleans, this was the first weather we had encountered in nearly 20 days. INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF WEATHER. Meanwhile at home, our friends and family are dealing with feet of snow and inches of ice. We really can't complain too much if the only unfortunate weather we had was in the last 3 days of the trip while still being 55 degrees out.

We arrived safely into Tennessee and are staying with Tom's cousin Lael, her husband Ben, and their two children Isabelle and Beck. Tomorrow we are off to tour the Nashville area. Tomorrow is also our last official day of sightseeing, as we are driving back to Delaware early Thursday morning. Night ya'll.

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