Friday, January 21, 2011

The day we did everything all at once.

We had a very busy day yesterday, almost to preemptively make up for how late we started our day today.

We headed out early on Thursday Regina drove us as the sole person awake at 6am out to Yosemite National Park. The whole day was spent driving around the park and pulling off at overlooks and scenic spots to hike and take pictures of the numerous waterfalls, cliffs, and vistas the park had to offer.

Bridalveil Falls

The spot at Bridalveil Falls was especially good because the entire path to the viewing site of the waterfall was iced over from the mist falling down on the ground for the last 3 months. Eric and Regina decided to slide down the last iced over ramp like 2 penguins. I did not attempt this.

That afternoon we went to the town of Manteca to have our first In N Out Burger. It was the first time I can say that fast food was actually of restaurant quality. I wish they had them on the east coast, and I urge any of you readers who have not tried it, to definitely make an effort to stop there if you ever come out west.

By this point, you may think we were tired and ready for bed. You would be incorrect. After returning to Foster City, we changed and went into the city for a late night of dinner and drinks. Eric and Regina split off from Kelly and I and they had a little date over in Union Square. Kelly and I figured out the bus system and made our way to Japantown for sushi. It may be too obvious a statement, but the sushi I had in San Francisco was the best sushi I have ever had. On the way back to meet Eric and Regina I got on the correct bus to head back to meet up, but in the wrong direction, so I ended up on the Pacific Ocean. Our bus driver was nice enough to let us stay on till we reached the right side of his route, and we struck up a conversation about (of course....) how he was a Steelers fan. Luckily he held no hard feelings against the Ravens, and we taunted him about being too San Francisco-thin-blooded to handle ever attending a Steelers game in-season.

Today we head out to Alcatraz. If we ever get around to leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Love the tunnel picture - very cool. Also I tried In N Out when I was in AZ last week. IT was amazing. Fries - not so great, but the burger was delish!
