Friday, January 28, 2011

Grand 3 hours

Pictures do not do it justice.

Yesterday morning we woke up about 10 minutes away from the south rim of the Grand Canyon. It was slightly colder in Arizona than what we are used to (40s) but we found it to be bearable. We entered the national park and started our fast track through the canyon. Regina was describing the canyon as "so big, it's a little bit obnoxious"... she was kind of right. However, every stop we made offered different views of one of the wonders of the world. We knew that we had a 10 hour drive to El Paso, Texas waiting for us, so we had to limit our time and get through the All in all, we spent about 2.5 hours driving around the canyon and stopping at the look outs to take pictures. There was a short hike that we took to stretch our legs.

Rick lookin sharp at the canyon.
The rest of the day proved to be uneventful, as most of it was spent driving. In Phoenix, we stopped to get Greek food and kept driving. On interstate 10, there were a few exits for the US/Mexico border...right. Kelly spent a good amount of the evening reading wikipedia articles on Ciudad Juarez and their drug cartel. Just to note, Ciudad Juarez is our neighbor city in the next country over (as in we could probably see it from El Paso. Wikipedia said that Juarez is the most dangerous place in the world outside of named war zones. Not to worry moms, we're safe and well...and getting out of El Paso, ASAP.
Oh yes, did we mention it was 73 degrees?

It's 9 am, and we're back on the road today for 10 hours to San Antonio to see Eric's cousin.


  1. So now that you are safely past EL PASO, [thank god], where that you already been, would you want to spend more time at right now, if time / money was not an issue?

  2. I personally (Tom) would have wanted to spend more time in Boulder/Denver, and probably will want to spend more time in New Orleans.
