Monday, January 24, 2011

Quick Report

Today we spent the day on the east side of the bay. In the morning we took a quick tour of UC Berkeley. It was a nice campus, but kind of an seedy town at parts, with a college flair thrown in. It didn't have anything on the beauty of Delaware's campus, which was surprising because when I think of Berkeley, I think of ultimate college everything. So it goes.

After that we drove down to Walnut Creek to watch the Jets game with Eric's extended family. They were once again awesome hosts and treated us to another meal. It was nice to meet everybody out here, and it was a great time overall, even though the Jets suffered a heavy loss.

Tomorrow is our last day in San Francisco. We will head up to Alcatraz in the morning, and then to Santa Cruz for dinner. We didn't take any pictures today, but we have changed our original plan a bit and from here back east it will go like this:

Tuesday we head down Route 1 to Santa Monica, and then on to Las Vegas for the night, where we will be staying at Bally's. Wednesday we drive to the Grand Canyon through the Hoover Dam. Thursday we drive to El Paso for the night. Friday we get out of El Paso and drive to San Antonio. Saturday we are visiting Eric's cousin in San Antonio. Sunday we drive to New Orleans, and are staying in the French Quarter. Monday we spend the day in New Orleans. Tuesday we drive to Nashville. Wednesday we tour Nashville and stay with my (Tom's) Aunt Lael. Thursday we drive home to Delaware, with enough time to give us a break before the semester begins on that following Monday.

1 comment:

  1. nice Vonnegut reference - whichever one of you wrote this post. ;-)
