Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gearing Up

This past fall, the four of us got together and decided to take our month long winter session break from school on a road trip across the country. We have all done long road trips with our parents, but never independently for this amount of time or this great of length. After a good amount of collaboration with each other, we finalized a real itinerary, booked hotels, and secured all of the necessities to do this trip.

After what seemed like years of waiting to get in the car trek our way across the country, we have finally arrived at the 100 hour count down. Monday morning (1/10) we will depart Kelly's house in Ocean View, Delaware on a 17 hour mission to Saint Louis, Missouri. Anticipation is running high among the four of us, as we are very anxious to go explore our country.

We are keeping this blog so our friends and family can follow us and get a taste of what we're up to. We're hoping to post pictures, videos, and hopefully a few funny stories. Adios east coast!

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