Monday, January 17, 2011

Longest Day to Paradise

This morning we woke up at 4am, by the request of Eric so we could get to Lake Tahoe by 1:30 to see his beloved Jets play. Luckily for him, waking up at 4am to watch that game was definitely worthwhile. Being his idea, he took the first driving shift to the Nevada border in the freezing rain.

Nevada seems to be one of the worst states. I don't see why we didn't give that ENTIRE landmass to the native americans. Its a gross endless barren desert uninhabited except for the occasional gas station casino or truck stop brothel. Yeah. The one nice thing about being in a endless barren desert, however, is that it is very warm. We sat outside a Starbucks at one of the "miracle miles" eating our PBJs in t-shirts in a nice balmy 65 degree day. Upon the last decent upward into the mountains near Carson City that surround Lake Tahoe, it hit 70 degrees for about a minute or so.

Soon after, we made it to the California border and had a little celebration of the first indication of how far we have come in a week.
Descent into Lake Tahoe

Our hotel room!
Our hotel is quite amazing this time. A true lodge in every aspect. The lobby is amazingly decorated to make you feel like you are at some classy joint in the mountain, and our room is like a dream apartment that any of us would die to have in the next 5 years. Complete with balcony and fireplace.

If you were to tell me that Eric drove off the road and we all died somewhere along a mountain cliff in western Utah, and I was actually in heaven here in Lake Tahoe, I would probably accept that. This is seriously a paradise for anyone who likes the outdoors. You have mountains all around you for hiking or skiiing, and a giant lake for swimming and boating of any kind. Not to mention that the air here is incredible. A cool fresh clean pine-infused smell lingers around the entire place. Like a wise man once said, "You think Lake Tahoe is NICE?! West Hartford is nice. Lake Tahoe is a paradise."

Looking up toward the Gondola.

The rest of these don't need explanation.

...besides that it is worth noting that my mother taught me how to take good pictures. thanks mom.

Tomorrow we are taking a drive around the perimeter of the lake, and then heading to dinner with Eric's family in Davis, and then arriving at last to Foster City, a suburb south of San Francisco on the peninsula, where we will stay with Dorothy for the next week! Much excitement in the next 24 hours, and what a long day it has been already.

1 comment:

  1. Best blog yet.

    Eric: Jets out played and out coached the Patriots. NE had horrible game plan after first quarter.
